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  1. What forms of  diseases can be treated with Homeopathic medicines?
  2. Can I take Homeopathic medicines along with other medicines?
  3. In what forms are Homeopathic medicines available?
  4. When and how should I take Homeopathic medicines?
  5. What is the correct dosage?
  6. What should I do if the symptoms get aggravated?
  7. How effective is the Homeopathic medicine?
  8. For how long Homeopathic medicines can be stored?
  9. Can Homeopathic medicines be taken if the patient was under the treatment of an Allopathic doctor?
  10. In what way Homeopathy medicines are superior to Allopathic medicines?
  11. What are the triturations in Homeopathy medicines?
  12. What are tinctures in Homeopathic medicines?
  13. What is mother tincture in Homeopathic medicines?
  14. What is potency in Homeopathy?
  15. How the Homeopathic potencies should be chosen?
  16. Can Homeopathic medicines be given to animals? If so what should be the dose?
  17. How the potencies and doses of Homeopathic medicines are managed?
  18. Should the Homeopathic medicines be given in single dose or repeated doses?
  19. How Homeopathy differs from other systems of medicines?
  20. Does Homeopathy work during pregnancy and labor?
  21. From what ingredients are Homeopathic remedies prepared?
  22. How can a patient  contact/consult you?
  23. Does Homeopathy help in treating Children?


1. What forms of diseases can be treated with Homeopathic medicines?

Homeopathy has been found to be very effective in treating the persons suffering from a wide variety of diseases in acute to chronic forms irrespective of age and sex.

2. Can I take Homeopathic medicines along with other medicines?

Homeopathic medicines do not interfere with other medicines except steroids and stimulating pills, which an allopathic doctor prescribes. The raw onion, spices, coffee and alcohol should not be taken at the time when homeopathic medicines are being taken.

3. In what forms are Homeopathic medicines available?


4. When and how should I take Homeopathic medicines?

Medicines should be taken at least half an hour after or before eating. These should not be taken when your mouth tastes of spicy food, tobacco, toothpaste, sweets. It is better if the mouth is thoroughly rinsed before taking a medicine.
See more  

5. What is the correct dosage?

For the correct dose.

6. What should I do if the symptoms get aggravate?

 The aggravation of symptoms is a good sign after taking homeopathic medicines and its shows that a remedy is working. In this case it is better to stop taking the medicine and wait until symptoms improve. If improvement continues, there is no need to take the remedy again. If improvement stops, restart the remedy.

7. How effective is the homeopathic medicine?

Homeopathic treatment is most effective when it is incorporated on the basis of symptoms.

8. For how long Homeopathic medicines can be stored?

The Homeopathic medicines can be stored well for a long time, as these are alcohol based.

9. Can Homeopathic medicines be taken if the patient was under the treatment of an Allopathic doctor?

Yes, the correct homeopathic medicine, with  correct dosage can be given according to the predominant symptoms of a patient even if the patient was all along under allopathic treatment.

10. In what way Homeopathy medicines are superior to Allopathic medicines?

Homeopathic treatment is based on the totality of symptoms of the patient while allopathic treatment is a hit and miss till the diagnosis is confirmed. In Homeopathy the attempt is always to cure the disease whereas in allopathic line of treatment, the disease is most of times suppressed with strong antibiotic remedies which flares up time and again.

11.What are the triturations in Homeopathy medicines?

The dry or insoluble Homeopathic medicines when attenuated with sugar of milk are called triturations.

12.What are tinctures in Homeopathic medicines?

When the Homeopathic medicines are attenuated with solvents like alcohol, they are called tinctures.

13.What is mother tincture in Homeopathic medicines?

The original strong alcoholic solution of soluble medicines is called mother tincture. They are indicated by the letter Q.

14.What is potency in Homeopathy?

It is the strength of a homeopathic remedy and designated by an X, C, LM, M, and MM after the remedy's name.

15. How the Homeopathic potencies should be chosen?

There is no hard and fast rule regarding the administration of the homeopathic potency. Usually for acute diseases one should use lower and medium potencies and for chronic diseases higher potencies.
For proper dose .

16. Can Homeopathic medicines be given to animals? If so what should be the dose?

Yes, it is quite interesting to note that the Homeopathic medicines can be given to animals and that a dose is the same as it is for you people.

17. How the potencies and doses of Homeopathic medicines are managed?

The management of the medicine with regard to potency and dosage is  as important as the selection of the remedy.
For potencies and proper dose .

18.Should the Homeopathic medicines be given in single dose or repeated doses?

The nature and progress of the disease determines how often the doses are to be repeated. Start the treatment by giving a single dose of the indicated medicine and wait for the reaction. The duration of the action of the remedy varies with the nature and progress of disease. In violent and fatal diseases, the action of the indicated remedy may be only for 5 to 10 min and another dose may be required after this time. In slowly progressing chronic diseases, the action of a dose of curative medicine may continue for 2-3 months. The  rule is to repeat the dose only when improvement ceases.

19. How Homeopathy differs from other medicines?

Homeopathy differs from conventional, or allopathic medicine, in that it works with the body's natural defenses and doesn't seek to suppress symptoms, but to treat root causes.

20. Does Homeopathy work during pregnancy and labor?

Yes, it works very well considering the totality of symptoms. See more.

21. From what ingredients are Homeopathic remedies  prepared?

Homeopathy remedies are derived from natural substances. They are not chemical or synthetic. The remedies are prepared from herbs/tissues/allergens/rocks/minerals/toxins. Nosodes are from disease substances that made safe.

22. How can a patient  contact/consult you?

Yes you can consult us free of cost through E-mail.

23. Does Homeopathy help in treating Children?

Yes, it helps very well in curing children. See more

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