Affection during Labor Affection during Pregnancy


  •  Characteristic and distinctive symptoms given in italics and Bold.

  •  Click on Dose to get description of dose



Affections during Labor :



Labor,Parturition,Childbirth :

Labor usually sets in at the end of nine months after impregnation. Generally within four to six hours after the setting in of the labor pains delivery takes place. The duration of labor pains in the first confinement of a female is much more than in other cases. It is said that the birth of a seventh child is attended with considerably protracted labor as in the case of a first. In any case where delivery does not take place even at the end of twenty-four hours after the setting in of labor pains, medical help should be sought for. It must be remembered that most of the abnormalities attending labor and hindering delivery may be very promptly removes by a few doses of the indicated homeopathic remedy. Under homeopathic treatment it is even possible to correct mal-positions of the fetus.

>>Therapeutic and guiding notes and Medicine Suggested: 


Pains unnaturally violent and frequent; great distress, moaning and restlessness; complains she cannot breathe, cannot bear pains; very anxious and feels sure she will die; full of anxiety and fear; vulva, vagina and os dry, tender and undeletable.

>>Medicine suggested: Aconite

Pain in back as if it would break; pains come on suddenly with bearing down as if everything would come out of the vagina and then disappear suddenly; os does not dilate on account of spasmodic contraction of the neck of uterus, which is hot, tender, rigid and moist . Os is thin.

>>Medicine suggested: Belladona

The pains are spasmodic and fly about from place to place, now in the groins, then in the abdomen, and next in the chest, never going in the direction of the normal pains.” Patient is exhausted and pain cannot develop on account of weakness; or “pains flag from long continuance and exhaustion.”

>>Medicine suggested: Caulophyllum

Pain spasmodic; patient exceedingly sensitive to pain which renders her frantic; tearing pains begin in back and extend down legs, labor pains that are felt too much in the back; very impatient; wants to get away; extremely irritable; can hardly return a civil answers; Scolding the pains; Scolding the doctor; Scolding everyday; labor pains, that are clutching here, and clutching there, rigid os.

>>Medicine suggested: Chamomilla

Nervous shivering in the first stage of labor, Hysterical manifestations through labor, Pains fly across the abdomen from side to side; double the patient up; pains extremely severe, causing the patient to cry out or fainting spells; rigid os.

>>Medicine suggested: Cimicifuga

Great nervous excitement; every pain felt very intensely, seems insupportably painful; weeps and laments with fear of death.

>>Medicine suggested: Coffea Cruda

Rigid os. Rigid and unyielding os uteri; os feels hard, thick, rounded; pains from before, backwards and upwards; sensation of a wave rising from uterus to throat, ending in choking; with every pain the child seems to push upward. Uterus does not contract at all; bag of water bulges freely from the os, but there is no attempt whatever at expulsion; patient drowsy and dull; face flushed.

>>Medicine suggested: Gelsimium

Pains go from left to right, with nausea, sharp pain around navel running downward to uterus, os rigid.

>>Medicine suggested: Ipecac

Feeble ineffectual pain; tedious labor from constitutional weakness, For enriching the muscles of the uterus with the requisite amount of nerve power for its contraction and expulsive force. For exciting labor pains when they are weak, distressing and ineffectual

>>Medicine suggested: Kali Phos.

Pains spasmodic and severe; irregular; begin in back and descend to buttocks and thighs; cause fainting which retards labor; every pain causes a desire to defecate and to urinate; irritable, mood.

>>Medicine suggested: Nux Vom.

Pain slow, weak, ineffectual; or spasmodic and irregular, causing fainting patient ; wants doors and windows open, feels suffocated; chilliness; mild, tearful disposition. Corrects malpositions of the fetus by altering abnormal conditions of uterus or “by stimulating the action of the muscular walls of the womb..

>>Medicine suggested: Pulsatilla

Esp. adapted to thin, scrawny women; uterus flabby; pains irregular, too weak or entirely wanting; or prolonged bearing down in uterus; everything seems loose and open, but there is no expulsive action; fainting fits; desire to be uncovered.

>>Medicine suggested: Secale Cor.

Tedious labor, normal secretion from vagina has dried up, passage hot and dry, os unyielding and pains decrease in force.

>>Medicine suggested: Jaborandi

Labor pains insufficient; violent backache, wants back pressed; bearing down from back to pelvis; sharp, cutting pains across loins, or passing off down buttocks, hindering labor; pulse weak.

>>Medicine suggested: Kali Carb.

Spasmodic labor pains with cramps in legs; excessive expulsive efforts; puerperal convulsions.

>>Medicine suggested: Mag Phos.

Face bloated, dark-red; dull and stupid; delirious talking; bed feels too hot; pains suppressed from fear or fright; pains suddenly cease.

>>Medicine suggested: Opium

Pains go from right to left, or go upward.

>>Medicine suggested: Lycopodium




Retained Placenta :

The placenta is generally expelled in 15 or 20 minutes after the birth of the child. Should the placenta be retained for one hour, one of the indicated remedies may be administered every 15 minutes. Should they prove ineffective, a qualified midwife should be called to remove the same with the help of the hand.

>>Therapeutic and guiding notes and Medicine Suggested: 


Heat and dryness of vagina; rd face and eyes; profuse flow of bright-red blood which speedily coagulates; blood feels hot as it passes through vagina; hour-glass contractions.

>>Medicine suggested: Belladona

Retained placenta from weakness and exhaustion, flooding from inertia of the uterus.

>>Medicine suggested: Caulophyllum

Retained placenta or membranes, no expulsive pains, pain or burning while urinating or retention of urine.

>>Medicine suggested: Cantharis

Cutting pains in lower part of abdomen running from before backward and upward which retard expulsion of placenta.

>>Medicine suggested: Gelsimium

Retained placenta with constant flows of bight red blood; pain about navel passing through uterus; constant nausea; labored breathing.

>>Medicine suggested: Gossypium

Inertia of uterus, expulsive, power wanting; or when placenta remains adherent to the walls of uterus; wants doors and windows open for cool air; flooding, blood flows and stops and flows again.

>>Medicine suggested: Pulsatilla

For simple retained placenta.

>>Medicine suggested: Sabina

For simple retained placenta; or hourglass contraction of uterus causing retained placenta.

>>Medicine suggested: Secale Cor.

Retained placenta attended with flooding, For the tonicity of the uterus .

>>Medicine suggested: China



After-pains :

There is nothing abnormal in after-pain, unless it is severe and too long lasting. Ordinary after-pains should be interfered with; as these are caused by contraction of the uterus is the effort to expel the blood clots or other foreign matters retained in its cavity.


After expulsion of placenta to counteract the effects of muscular strain and bruised condition of the organs involved in the process of parturition. Sore feeling all over body; bed however soft it may be feels too hard; retention of urine.

>>Medicine suggested: Arnica

Severe bearing down pains, as if contents of pelvis would protrude; pains come on suddenly and leave suddenly; slightest far hurts her; sleepiness but cannot sleep.

>>Medicine suggested: Belladona

After-pains aggravated by least motion; splitting headache; lips parched, mouth, tongue, and throat dry.

>>Medicine suggested: Bryonia

After-pains after protracted and exhausting labor; spasmodic pains across lower abdomen; reflex pains in back and chest.

>>Medicine suggested: Caulophyllum

Pains very distressing rendering her frantic, tossing about; desire for fresh air; very irritable; lochial discharge dark and clotted

>>Medicine suggested: Chamomilla

After-pains worse in groins; pains severe; patient exceedingly sensitive to pain, cannot bear it; sleep less, restless and low-spirited.

>>Medicine suggested: Cimicifuga

Pains insupportable, driving to despair, great sleeplessness.

>>Medicine suggested: Coffea Cruda

Most distressing crampy after-pains esp. in women who have many children.

>>Medicine suggested: Cuprum Met.

Feeling as if uterus is being squeezed by a hand; languid and drowsy but cannot compose the mind to sleep.

>>Medicine suggested: Gelsimium

Severe after-pains shooting down thighs.

>>Medicine suggested: Lac Can.

Aching pains; fainting after every pain; desire to go to stool with every pain.

>>Medicine suggested: Nux Vom.

Especially suited to persons of a mild and tearful disposition; changeable mood; pains worse towards evenings; bad or bitter taste in mouth; craving for fresh and cool air.

>>Medicine suggested: Pulsatilla

Protracted pains, feels cold but does not wish covering; locha thin and offensive, especially adapted to thin, scrawny and feeble women.

>>Medicine suggested: Secale Cor.



Derangements in lochial discharge :

The vaginal discharge after confinements are called lochia. For the first few days after delivery, they are red, after three or four days they become paler and about the tenth day the color becomes yellowish or yellowish white and generally case altogether after a for night, although they may continue for several weeks. When the lochial discharge lasts too long, is too profuse, scanty, suppressed, or is foul-smelling, medical treatment is required. When the discharge is too long lasting it may be due to retention of portions of the after-birth and when offensive it indicates infection with putrefactive bacteria.

>>Therapeutic and guiding notes and Medicine Suggested: 


Suppressed lochia, fever with dry, hot skin and thirst; milk scanty; abdomen distended and sensitive to touch.

>>Medicine suggested: Aconite

A dose may be given to prevent septic infection and counteract the strain upon the nervous system.

>>Medicine suggested: Arsenic Alb.

Lochia acrid, fetid; prostration.

>>Medicine suggested: Baptisia

Lochia offensive, feeling hot to the parts, flushed face, abdomen distended, very sensitive to touch; sensitive to slightest jar, which is unbearable; sleepy but cannot sleep.

>>Medicine suggested: Bell.

Suppression of lochia with splitting headache, fullness and heaviness of head, dryness of lips and mouth, symptoms worse from least motion.

>>Medicine suggested: Bryonia

Lochia lasts too long in women who menstruate too often and too profusely; patient pale, fat, flabby.

>>Medicine suggested: Calc Carb.

Protracted lochia from atony of uterus; lochia bloody; exhausting.

>>Medicine suggested: Caulohyllum

Suppression of lochia followed by diarrheic colic and toothache.

>>Medicine suggested: Chamomilla

Discharge profuse with great sleeplessness.

>>Medicine suggested: Coffea Cruda

Lochia of dark, stringy blood; sensation of something living in stomach; stomach and abdomen distended.

>>Medicine suggested: Crocus

Suppression of lochia from cold or dampness.

>>Medicine suggested: Dulcamara

Bloody lochia returning from least motion; better during rest.

>>Medicine suggested: Erigeron

Lochia very offensive, excoriating; offensive, black clots mixed with water.

>>Medicine suggested: Kreosote

Suppression of lochia from fright.

>>Medicine suggested: Opium

Milk suddenly suppressed and lochia becomes milky white; sudden suppression of lochia with fever characterized by absence of thirst; milk, tearful disposition; symptoms worse towards evening.

>>Medicine suggested: Pulsatilla

Esp. adapted to thin, scrawny women; thin offensive discharge either painless or with prolonged bearing down pains; pain in ovaries and uterus; dark or black discharge. Suppression of lochia followed by fever and inflammation of uterus.

>>Medicine suggested: Secale Cor.




Puerperal eclampsia :

Eclampsia may occur during pregnancy, parturition and after delivery. It is characterized by convulsions associated with loss of consciousness.

>>Therapeutic and guiding notes and Medicine Suggested: 

In presentiment of the approaching convulsion, convulsion preceded by a sensation of expansion, especially of face and head, very restless between attacks; continually in motion between attacks.

>>Medicine suggested: Argentun Nit.

Violent rush of blood to head and face with every pain; unconscious with involuntary passing of stool and urine; sore bruised sensation all over esp. in abdomen and pelvic region; bed feels too hard; paralytic condition of left side.

>>Medicine suggested: Arnica

Every pain renews spasms; between spasms tossing about; moaning, crying, or deep sleep with starting as if in a fright, crying and fearful vision; loss of speech and difficult swallowing; face bloated, red; involuntary escape of stool and urine , feels as if she were falling down from bed.

>>Medicine suggested: Belladona

Convulsion with dysuric and hydrophobic symptoms ; convulsion with retained placenta and membranes; eye bright, pupils widely dilated; face pale and yellowish and bears an expression of deep-seated suffering; burning and scanty discharge, for expelling the retained placenta and membranes by causing normal contraction of uterus.

>>Medicine suggested: Cantharis

Convulsions esp. after delivery, of excessive violence; convulsions with loss of consciousness and frightful distortions of whole body; opisthotonos: sudden rigidity, then jerks and violent distortions and then utter prostration; bluish face and foam at month; great oppression of breathing; lies motionless after convulsion with rigid jaws, and as if dead.

>>Medicine suggested: Cicuta

Convulsion during pregnancy and puerperal convulsions, which begin in the fingers and toes and spread all over body; or where there is great restlessness between the attacks, either filling up the entire interval, or only a part of the time. Violent vomiting and cramps in legs.

>>Medicine suggested: Cuprum Met.

Premonitory stage; albuminuria; drowsiness and twitching of different parts of body before attack; pulse soft and full; head fells very much enlarged with confused feeling in it. When labor is delayed owing to rigidity of os and there is distressing pain in abdomen going from before backward and then upward, and there is a sensation like a wave from uterus to throat, ending with choking feeling.

>>Medicine suggested: Gelsimium

Face bright red, puffed; violent throbbing of carotids; pulse full and hard; urine albuminous; frothing at mouth; unconscious; eclampsia from protracted labor or after instrumental delivery. For puerperal convulsions of congestive form, which is announced by rush of blood to head, especially if there is albuminuria.

>>Medicine suggested: Glonoine

Face dark-red, bloated; twitching of every muscles of body; delirium; rigidity of hands, contortions and spasmodic curving of body; retention of urine; or involuntary discharge of stool and urine; deep sleep with convulsions.

>>Medicine suggested: Hyoscyamus

Eclampsia caused by pressure of the child on some of the nerves of the pelvis; flushed face; insomnia.

>>Medicine suggested: Kali Br.

Patient does not lose consciousness during convulsion; spasms pass off with eructation of wind.

>>Medicine suggested: Kali C.

Spasms caused by nervous excrement, preceded or followed by constriction of esophagus and respiratory embarrassment, a sort of asthma in other words; sometimes sudden arrest of breathing; spasms alternate between convulsive action and opisthotonos.

>>Medicine suggested: Platina

Profound cerebral congestica face red, eyes injected: between convulsions she remains unconscious and lies in a deep sleep.

>>Medicine suggested: Veratrum V.

Fever caused by a chill, especially violent chill; Dry, hot skin; intense thirst for cold drinks; red face: pulse hard and rapid; suppressed or scanty lochia; restlessness and fear of death.

>>Medicine suggested: Aconite

Inflammation of womb; burning, lancinating; pains; great restlessness, anguish and fear of death; excessive exhaustion from least exertion; vomiting; wants to be wrapped up; aggravation after midnight. Advanced stages.

>>Medicine suggested: Arsenic Alb.

Of septic origin with typhoid symptoms.

>>Medicine suggested: Baptisia

Great tenderness of abdomen after delivery; sensitive to slightest jar; violent clutching pains as if everything would protrude through vulva; pains come on suddenly and cease suddenly; abdomen so hot that it imparts a burning sensation to hand; lochia scanty and fetid or suppressed; retention of urine; or involuntary discharge of stool and urine; flushed face, red eyes, throbbing headache; delirium.

>>Medicine suggested: Belladona

Lochia suppressed with splitting headache; abdomen distended with stitching pains; lips parched, mouth dry, great thirst or no thirst; worse from least motion, wants to remain perfectly quiet, sitting up in bed nausea and fainting.

>>Medicine suggested: Bryonia

Great heat and burning in abdomen; constant painful urging to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time, which are sometimes mixed with blood.

>>Medicine suggested: Cantharis

Very offensive excoriating lochia, distension of abdomen, labor-like pains in abdomen, with drawing in upper abdomen.

>>Medicine suggested: Kreosote

Pain in abdomen relieved for the time being by a flow of blood but soon returns; uterine region will not bear the contact even of bedclothes; contact of clothes causes uneasiness; abdomen distended; aggravation after sleep.

>>Medicine suggested: Lachesis

Very sensitive about pit of stomach and abdomen, tongue moist with great thirst; tongue swollen and flabby showing imprint of teeth; profuse sweet without relief.

>>Medicine suggested: Merc. Sol.

Lochia thin and offensive; inflammation of uterus after confinement; great restlessness, cannot remain in bed still, must change position constantly of obtain relief; dry tongue with triangular red tip; typhoid symptoms; loss of power in lower extremities; aggravation at night, especially after midnight.

>>Medicine suggested: Rhus Tox.

Lochia dark and very offensive; discharges very offensive, stool and vomited matters offensive; tympanitis; coldness of surface of body esp. the extremities and face; desire to be uncovered; especially adapted to thin scrawny women.

>>Medicine suggested: Secale Cor.

Violent vomiting with profuse diarrhea; great prostration; *cold perspiration on forehead; lochia suppressed with nymphomania.

>>Medicine suggested: Veratrum A.



Puerperal mental alienation:

It is a state of insanity in woman after giving birth to child


Afraid to be left alone, sudden dread of death when alone or going to bed, tendency to commit suicide.

>>Medicine suggested: Arsenic Alb.

Religious mania, thinks herself unfit for this world; strong inclination to commit suicide.

>>Medicine suggested: Arurum Met.

Sees visions especially of rats and mice as soon as she closes her eyes; sleeplessness; cold damp feet; perspiration of head.

>>Medicine suggested: Calc Carb.

Sexual appetite is aroused to the point of mania; violent amorous frenzy; talks about genitals.

>>Medicine suggested: Cantharis

Thinks she is going crazy; illusions of a mouse running from under her chair; “suicidal tendency,” the least think makes her angry and destructive;” tries to injure herself.

>>Medicine suggested: Cimicifuga

Fears being poisoned; being alone; suspicious of some plot; exposes private parts; desire to be naked; throws off bedcovers and clothes; sings obscene songs; retention of urine; patient weak.

>>Medicine suggested: Hyoscyamus

Very easily frightened and trembling; “startled by imaginary hallucinations;” “does not seem to care for anything;” abdomen distended; exhausted and hence cannot frame the answers to your questions.

>>Medicine suggested: Kali Carb.

Loquacious, constantly changes from one subject to another, awakening from sleep and springing from bed, not only with superhuman strength, but with great terror.

>>Medicine suggested: Lachesis

Desires light and company, very loquacious, praying, beseeching, entreating, afraid to be alone.

>>Medicine suggested: Stramonium




Phlegmasia alba dolens, Milk Leg :

Milk leg is characterized by hard, hot and white swelling of one part of the leg of lying-in women, which sometimes spreads and affects the whole limb. Veins are inflamed and the return flow of blood into the veins is retarded. The affection is called “white leg.”


Fever with hot, dry skin; restlessness; great thirst etc.

>>Medicine suggested: Aconite

Swelling is white and transparent with stinging pains; fever without thirst; scanty urine; nervousness, restlessness, fidgetiness; closed esp. heated room intolerable.

>>Medicine suggested: Apis Mel.

Whole body feels sore and bruised.

>>Medicine suggested: Arnica

Cannot bear to be touched; very sensitive to least jar; sleeplessness and much moaning and tossing about; fever with characteristic symptom of the remedy.

>>Medicine suggested: Belladona

Pains worse from least motion or touch; dry lips and month; thirst for large quantities of water; tensive, painful stiffness, affected part not red.

>>Medicine suggested: Bryonia

White swelling of feet and leg; feet feel cold and damp; feeling of internal coldness; milk suppressed.

>>Medicine suggested: Calc Carb.

Often a valuable remedy for both internal administration and external application, Affected part very sensitive to touch and sore.

>>Medicine suggested: Hamamelis

Stitching pains, backache and weakness.

>>Medicine suggested: Kali Carb.

Pale swelling; suppression of milk and lochia; longing for fresh air; worse in a warm room; chilliness; fever without thirst.

>>Medicine suggested: Pulsatilla



Retention of urine after delivery :


With great distress and restlessness, anxiety and fear.

>>Medicine suggested: Aconite

Urine passes only drop-by-drop without pain.

>>Medicine suggested: Belladona

Urging to urinate with burning sensation in urethra; urine scalds her and passed drop-by-drop; intolerable urging before, during and after urination; violent tenesmus and strangury.

>>Medicine suggested: Cantharis

Retention of urine with frequent and urgent desire to urinate; occasionally a few drops or a small quantity of urine dribbles away.

>>Medicine suggested: Causticum

Constant urging with scanty discharge, retention and difficulty in passing urine especially during pregnancy and after confinement.

>>Medicine suggested: Equsetum

Retention of urine with pressure in bladder; has no will to urinate, Very valuable remedy in retention of urine after labor.

>>Medicine suggested: Hyoscyamus

Retention of urine with violent pain in back; severe backache relieved by passing urine.

>>Medicine suggested: Lycopodium

Painful, ineffectual urging to urinate, urine passes in drops with burning, tearing in urethra and neck of bladder; retention of urine with frequent urging to stool.

>>Medicine suggested: Nux Vom.



Derangements in secretion of milk:


Deficiency of milk due to despairing sadness of mother.

>>Medicine suggested: Agnus C.

Milk mixed with blood.

>>Medicine suggested: Apis Mel.

Inflammation of mamme with diminished secretion of milk. In a case where after the death of the babe, the mother wanted us to give her such medicine as would “dry up” the milk.

>>Medicine suggested: Borax

Profuse secretion of watery milk, which the babe refuses to take.

>>Medicine suggested: Calc C.

Milk thin and of salty taste.

>>Medicine suggested: Carbo A.

Milk runs out in nursing women.

>>Medicine suggested: Chamomilla

Suppression of milk from exposure to cold and damp air.

>>Medicine suggested: Dulcamara

Milk scanty and spoiled, baby refuses to nurse.

>>Medicine suggested: Merc. Sol.

Milk thin and watery, containing hardly any milk-globules.

>>Medicine suggested: Pulsatilla

Loss of milk without any other symptom and without any apparent cause.

>>Medicine suggested: Urtica Urens.



Sore-nipples :

It is a state of soreness in nipples.


Nipples feel sore and bruised.

>>Medicine suggested: Arnica

Nipples inflamed, and tender, can hardly endure the pain of nursing; milk cheesy, thickened mixed with pus.

>>Medicine suggested: Chamomilla

Painful sore nipples with ulcers oozing a thick, glutinous fluid; cracks on nipples.

>>Medicine suggested: Graphites

Ulcerated nipples.

>>Medicine suggested: Merc. Sol.

Nipples sensitive, cracked and excoriated, intense suffering on putting child to breast, pains radiate from nipple all over body.

>>Medicine suggested: Phytolacca

Mother weeps every time the child is put to breast; pain extends into chest, neck, or down back, changes from place to place.

>>Medicine suggested: Pulsatilla

Nipples ulcerate very easily, are sore and tender; pain in small of back while child nurses.

>>Medicine suggested: Silicea



Affections during pregnancy :

Pregnancy: Although the state of pregnancy signifies nothing unnatural and does not deviate in the least from the Divine order of thing, it is for various reasons attended by many ailments, which call for, so to say, dynamic treatment. During this period, strict attention to diet, exercise, dress, mode of living, etc. is to be paid, bearing in mind that the physical and mental condition of a pregnant female exert great influence on her future progeny. Diet should not be plain, nourishing moderate and taken at regular times. It should not be such that is principally transformed into bones and muscles and eventually enlarges the fetus. She should therefore as far possible avoid such articles of food as meat, beans, wheat etc. and take fruits and vegetable substantially. As regards exercise, walking in the open air, two or three hours after a meal are recommended. Dress should be worn loosely. Tight lacing is particularly injurious both to the mother and the fetus. Riding in a carriage or traveling by railway during the advanced stage of pregnancy is highly injurious to the future offspring.


Morning Sickness


False pains

Depression of spirits Fainting and hysterical fits


Morning sickness:


  Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, etc. are very common accompaniments of pregnancy. Generally they begin a few weeks after conception and continue for a month or two. In a patient of ours nausea used to commence just on the day following every time she conceived.

Nausea and gastric troubles relieved by moving about or riding in a carriage. Strong-smelling urine.

>>Medicine suggested: Nit Ac.

Applicable to all gastric troubles of pregnant women; incessant nausea and qualmishness in morning with accumulation of water in mouth; aversion to fat food and meat; worse when riding in a carriage; diarrhea only daytime.

>>Medicine suggested: Petroleum

Sensation of emptiness in stomach and abdomen, thought of food sickness her, nausea from smell of food, aversion to meat; desire for vinegar; nausea in mornings, passing off after eating something.

>>Medicine suggested: Sepia



Depression of Spirits:

>>Therapeutic and guiding notes and Medicine Suggested: 

When resulting from fright. “In pregnancy it calms the emotions, overcomes unnatural fears, and prevents abortion from fright or excitement.”

>>Medicine suggested: Aconite

Great anxiety, mental depression and apprehension about the future; exceedingly irritable; gastric derangements.

>>Medicine suggested: Bryonia

Anxiety, fear with disposition to run away; fear of imaginary things, wants to run away from them, frightful visions.

>>Medicine suggested: Belladona

Depression with sadness and inclination to weep.

>>Medicine suggested: Pulsatilla

Over-sensitive to external impressions, cannot tolerate talking, noise, music, etc., irritable.

>>Medicine suggested: Nux Vom.

Religious melancholy.

>>Medicine suggested: Sulphur




Fainting and Hysterical Fits: 

These may occur in delicate constitutions.

Attacks resulting from fullness of blood in the system.

>>Medicine suggested: Aconite

With congestion of blood to head, flushed face.

>>Medicine suggested: Belladona

When arising from derangement of digestion, inclined to get excited and angry.

>>Medicine suggested: Nux Vom.

Hysteria during pregnancy, with attacks of faintness of the drug.

>>Medicine suggested: Nux Mosh.

When the patient also suffers from characteristic headache, as if a nail were being driven into the head and there is sadness and frequent sighing.

>>Medicine suggested: Ignatia



Miscarriage, Abortion: 

The duration of pregnancy is approximately two hundred and seventy days. The morbid process of expulsion of the fetus before the sixteenth week is usually designated miscarriage. When the expulsion takes place between the sixteenth and twenty-eighth week, it is usually called abortion; and when it occurs at a later period, premature labor. Ordinarily however by abortion is meant a case where fetus is expelled by the twenty-eighth week. But in popular parlance such a case is termed miscarriage. Miscarriage or abortion may be caused by mechanical injuries; mental emotion, such as anger, fright or grief; violent exercise; abuse of purgatives; abuse of alcoholic drinks; acute infections diseases; syphilis; etc.


Threatened abortion from anger especially fright; fears that some thing terrible is going to happen to her; dizziness on rising from a recumbent position.

>>Medicine suggested: Aconite

Threatened miscarriage in early months with heaviness of abdomen, restlessness, and yawning; stinging pains in ovarian region; scanty urine; no thirst.

>>Medicine suggested: Apis Mel.

Threatened abortion as a result of fall, blow, shock, concussion, particularly when blood comes out with or without pain; sore pain all over body as if from a bruise.

>>Medicine suggested: Arnica

Severe bearing down, as if everything would protrude through vulva; pains come on suddenly and cease suddenly; pain in back as if it would break.

>>Medicine suggested: Belladona

Threatened abortion, caused by gonorrhea, or on account of too frequent sexual intercourse.

>>Medicine suggested: Cannab S.

Threatened abortion or miscarriage with severe pain in back and loins but uterine contractions feeble; slight flow; Habitual abortion from uterine atony.

>>Medicine suggested: Caulophyllum

Threatened abortion in consequence of anger, labor-pains begin at back and pass off down inner side of thighs, flow of dark blood, and hot perspiration about head.

>>Medicine suggested: Chamomilla

When hemorrhage continues after abortion and there is giddiness, drowsiness and fainting, extremely useful after hemorrhage has ceased in removing the after effects, heaviness in head, ringing in ears and coldness of extremities.

>>Medicine suggested: China

Profuse flow of bright red blood, after a false step or a strain in loins.

>>Medicine suggested: Cinnamonum

Distressing nausea and vomiting in the incipiency of abortion, sudden prostration of strength as if about to faint.

>>Medicine suggested: Digitalis

Threatened abortion from depressing emotions; pains shoot upward and backward or may leave the uterus and fly all over body, sharp labor-like pain in the uterus extending to hips and back, and even down the thighs; loss of muscular power; nervous chills in the first stage of labor.

>>Medicine suggested: Gelsimium

When there is great soreness in abdomen.

>>Medicine suggested: Hamamelis

Relaxation of uterine ligaments, misplacements and prolapse from atonic conditions, especially in habitual abortion.

>>Medicine suggested: Helonias

When attended with spasms or convulsion of the whole body, with loss with labor-like pains.

>>Medicine suggested: Hyoscyamus

Abortion attended with spasms but without loss of consciousness or loss of consciousness; pains fly across abdomen from left to right and attended with nausea, cutting pains around navel; continual nausea; profuse and continuous flow of bright-red blood; disposition of faint.

>>Medicine suggested: Ipecac

Threatened abortion with pains from back into buttocks and thighs; sharp, cutting pains or stitches; discharge of clots during second or third month; Very useful for weakness following abortion when there is backache while walking; feels as if she must give up and lie down night-sweats.

>>Medicine suggested: Kali C.

Pain across abdomen flying from right to left; fetus appears to be turning summersaults; excessive, tumultuous motion of fetus.

>>Medicine suggested: Lycopodium

In hysterical females; pressure in abdomen, drawing down into legs from navel; obstinate and continued flow; blood dark and thick; fainting spells; great dryness of mouth and throat without thirst.

>>Medicine suggested: Nux Mosh.

Every pain produces a desire to pass stool and urinate; after abortion a constant feeling of uneasiness in rectum, as though the bowels ought to be moved.

>>Medicine suggested: Nux Vom.

Tendency to abortion from non-development of uterus; muscular fibers of uterus do not develop proportionally as the fetus increase in size in uterus and consequent abortion.

>>Medicine suggested: Plumbum

Flow ceases for a little while, then returns with redoubled force; *this process of cessation and return is often repeated; craves fresh air, feels worse is a close and warm room; feels chilly even in a warm room.

>>Medicine suggested: Pulsatilla

When caused y strain or wrench, pain worse latter part of night and during rest, must change position often for relief.

>>Medicine suggested: Rhus Tox.

Threatened miscarriage especially during third month with pain commencing in the small of the back and going round and through the pubes; drawing aching pain; pain running through from sacrum to pubes; bright red, clotted flow of blood or bright red blood, partly fluid and party, clotted, increasing with every motion; may be followed by a flow of dark red, clotted blood.

>>Medicine suggested: Sabina

Threatened abortion especially about third month; threatened abortion in later months; prolonged bearing down, forcing pains; copious flow of black, liquid blood. Esp. indicated after miscarriage has taken place; thin, black foul-smelling discharge; worse from slight motion. Best adapted to thin, scrawny, cachectic women, Great debility and extinct pulse.

>>Medicine suggested: Secale Cor.

Promotes expulsion of moles or blighted conceptions and cures the predisposition to abort in future pregnancies.

>>Medicine suggested: Sulphur

Threatened abortion with intense cramping pain in uterus and bearing down, or pain begins in back, comes around and ends in excruciating pain in lower abdomen.

>>Medicine suggested: Viburnum Op.




False pains:

  During the later months of pregnancy women sometimes suffer from what is called false pains. These pains simulating those of labor generally occur a few hours or a few days before the setting in of labor generally occur a few hours or a few days before the setting in of labor pains. False pains unlike those of labor pains recur irregularly whereas labor pains recur generally at regular intervals o fifteen to thirty minutes and with the progress of labor they occur more frequently. False pains are principally confined to the sacrum and then pass to the abdomen and go down the thighs. Unlike labor pains as they recur, increase in intensity. With false pains no fluid gushes out of the vagina.


Pains come and; disappear suddenly; pains spasmodic in character; congestion to head; flushed face.

>>Medicine suggested: Belladona

False pains during last months of pregnancy; crampy pains; bearing down pains.

>>Medicine suggested: Caulophyllum

False labor-pains a few days or even weeks before labor sets in; pains across abdomen flying from side to side; pains shooting up-wards and transversely.

>>Medicine suggested: Cimicifuga

Useful in false pains, dragging towards uterus like labor-pains with frequent urging to urinate.

>>Medicine suggested: Chamomilla

False pains, shooting upward and backward or may leave the uterus and fly all over body, or may run directly upward.

>>Medicine suggested: Gelsimium

False labor-pains; night-pains during pregnancy; great lassitude and depression.

>>Medicine suggested: Kali Phos.

False pains with frequent desire to pass stool and urine, Pains in abdomen, followed by dragging pains in back and loins, also for pains as if from a bruise in the region of the pubes; constipation; pains occurring chiefly at night; especially applicable when the exciting cause appears to be indulgence in stimulants, such as highly seasoned food; wine, coffee, etc.

>>Medicine suggested: Nux Vom.

Pain in the abdomen, pains in the loins, as if from continued stooping, with a feeling of stiffness and painful dragging and aching in the thigh’s, constipation or diarrhea; most applicable to mild tempered persons, and when arising from eating rich or fat, indigestible food.

>>Medicine suggested: Pulsatilla



IMPORTANT: The above is a general prescription but the patients must Consult their physician before taking any medicine for correct diagnosis and better results.

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